Kyler Monroe Gunderson
was born Tuesday, March 30, 2009 at 8:12am. He weighed 8 lbs 3 oz and was 20.25 inches long.
He was born at MatSu Regional Hospital in Palmer, Alaska. We stayed there 3 days because his heart rate was more rapid they prefer. On Friday he was transferred to Providence Medical Center in Anchorage to the NICU for a possible pneumothorax and pneumonia. He was admitted and we stayed there 5 more days while he received IV antibiotics twice daily. Luckily, I was able to stay on site and nurse him continually. He did great and we went home April 6. We are so grateful to Cameron's mom, Geri, for flying up here on a moment's notice to stay with Zach and Rhiannon for the week. Kyler came home just in time to spend an evening with Grandma before she had to fly home again.
He is now 1 month old and doing fabulous! He eats like and champ and is growing like crazy! I even get a few hours sleep at night!!
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