About the Fam

Hello! from gorgeous Alaska! We are having such a wonderful life living up here!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

January 13, 2011

Kyler got his first haircut today! His hair was gettin all shaggy around the ears and that drives me crazy! He was pretty calm for most of it.

What a handsome lookin kid! I love the short hair. I think it looks so cute!


So, every year I go to Anchorage for a shopping weekend with a few friends. We have an absolute blast and look forward to our little annual getaway. I guess the only drawback is that we aren't getting away to somewhere warm and tropical. But, we did have some additions to our party. Check it out...

We saw this pair several times over our weekend stay. They must hang around all winter. (Lucky for them, cows and calves aren't legal to shoot in Anchorage. )

January 6, 2011

So Kyler makes a beeline for the stairs when someone leaves the gate open at the bottom. This is one of his break-aways. (He's just over 9 months in this clip.)

He is SO proud of himself! Can you see that grin??

January 12, 2011

Rhiannon has started dance! She is taking Creative Movement right now and she LOVES it! She is so excited when we are driving there, she can hardly stand it! She is constantly striking a pose for her pictures, so that's what she's doing in the first one.

And then after class, she can show you what's she learned...

Monday, January 24, 2011

January 11, 2011

I am SO excited! We finally got a new couch! It's so comfy and fits perfectly in our living room. We have been enjoying it very much and the kids love it because it's bouncy and soft. But, possibly more than the couch, the kids loved the giant box it came in!

December 19, 2010

I taught some baby signs to all of our kids and I love it! Instead of screaming for what they want, they can show their basic needs with signs. Like, "more" (for food), "milk," "potty," etc. Here is Kyler showing his first sign, "more." That was Zach's first sign, too. I'll bet the next one is "milk." We'll see...

Recently, I have become a Master Signing Time Instructor. So, now I can teach others Baby Signing Time and sell the DVDs, books and CDs at a discount!
If you haven't heard of Signing Time, check them out at www.signingtime.com/aksigningstars
(Enter "save5" at checkout for a 5% discount!)

December 18, 2010

This year our ward Christmas party was hosted at a ranch owned by one of the members. We had a great time and we got to ride out on a hay ride and see his elk and buffalo herds. Here's Rhiannon all bundled up as we rode out singing Christmas carols and tryin to stay warm!
Rhiannon also wanted to pose with the manger and baby Jesus before we left. She's in her very appropriate angel costume.
What an angel!!

Thanksgiving 2010

This year Cameron was working Thanksgiving, so the whole family is invited to the station for a huge multi-family dinner with all of the guys on shift and their families. Actually, I really love it because we have great food and the guys to all of the clean-up. Yes! You heard right! The GUYS do the clean-up.Oh, but I've digressed. This year Cameron and I signed up for pie and ice cream. So, Cameron made several batches of homemade ice cream and I made my first completely homemade pies. Here is a picture of my apple pie (before baking). I'm pretty impressed with myself, obviously. I am also easily impressed...obviously.

October 31, 2010

We love being outside even in the winter when the weather is nice. There's always something to shovel in the winter. Zach is becoming a useful shoveler. Even Kyler likes to hang outside with us!

Halloween 2010

Halloween was a blast (as usual) this year! Zach was Batman, although he doesn't like to wear the mask. Rhiannon was Tinkerbell and I endeavored to make her costume this year. I think it turned out well and she seemed to like it. Kyler was Zach's side-kick, Robin.
You might wonder how we Trick-or-Treat in Alaska since we had snow on the ground already. Well, our favorite place to go is the Senior Center! It's great! It's warm and dry and the kids can wear their costumes with out tons of layers on top or beneath. And the residents seem to really love it, too. Although, as you can see, Rhiannon was convinced that she still needed her new hat and gloves. :)