About the Fam

Hello! from gorgeous Alaska! We are having such a wonderful life living up here!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Kyler 10 Weeks

Kyler is now 10 weeks old! He is growing fast and changing noticeably every day! Here's a video from today. He is so engaged, he really responds when people get close and talk to him.

He's about 10 lbs now and 23 inches long. He sleeps well at night but not quite all the way through yet. Zach and Rhiannon love on him all the time and he's pretty patient with all the attention. He just squeaks and squeals at them. They love it!


Zach started his first year of soccer on Tuesday. He had a blast! He seems to have a natural sense for this game. It will be fun to watch this season. He is #9. His team is the "yellow" team. I don't think they pick names just yet. Can't wait for the first game next week. What fun!

Kyler's Blessing

On Sunday, we blessed Kyler during our ward's sacrament meeting. It was so nice to have great family and friends take part with us.

Cameron and Zach went up to bear their testimonies and Rhiannon said she wanted to "talk." She was so determined! She got in Grandma's face and said said very clearly, "I want to talk!" Alas, we did not give in. I guess we'll end up getting up with her next month so she can "talk," too.

After the blessing, we had a BBQ and invited our friends join our family for some great food. We had hot dogs and Cameron's now famous "fire house" chicken. My wonderful friends brought delicious sides and we just chowed down! I am so grateful the weather cooperated. It was warm and sunny the whole day! (It was even a bit too hot for some of us cold-weather folk!)

All in all, a great day!

Grandma & Grandpa Visit

We are so excited to have Grandma Geri & Grandpa Brent up to visit us! As an extra added bonus, Aunt Deanne & Uncle Jeff flew up as well!! What fun!

We went out to Whittier, AK for the 26 Glacier Cruise on Saturday. It was a bit rainy, but the weather cleared just enough by the time we made it out to the glaciers. Surprise Glacier did not disappoint with 2 huge calves!! Way cool! We saw tons of otters and sea birds, but that was about it for wildlife.